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Copyright 1998 by the authors and PEACE. All materials are the intellectual property of the respective contributors. Unless noted otherwise, they may be reproduced provided that credit is given to the authors, and to PEACE - a Mid-East Dialog Group. Email/Web postings should include these addresses:
Ami Isseroff;
Ameen Hannoun;
Mid East Viewpoints:


July, 22, 1998

Draft Declaration Regarding  a Final Settlement Of The Palestinian/Israeli Conflict


Foreword - Ami Isseroff and Ameen Hannoun

Draft Declaration Regarding a Final Settlement

Suggested Revisions

Foreword - Ameen Hannoun & Ami Isseroff

In this special issue of View Points, the PEACE Dialog Forum, we present a draft declaration regarding a final settlement of the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict. Please Note:

- This is a draft, submitted for your comments.

-  The final version will be sponsored only by those who submit their names and indicate their support.

- Subscribing to PEACE Dialog Forum and/or PeaceWatch does not imply that you support this declaration,  unless you want to!

- The purpose of the declaration is to show that both 'sides' in our dialog want an honest and fair settlement, and to help dispel the distrust that exists between peoples that have been at war for so long.

- The declaration will be used as a catalyst to gather support for peace and PEACE.

- We hope that other organizations will adopt this declaration as well.

- This is a declaration of principles only - not a detailed prescription for implementation.

Suggestions for ammendment should keep in mind that we want to attract the widest possible support on both sides, and that this is a declaration of intent
and sentiment.

Thank you,
Ami Isseroff
Ameen Hannoun


Draft Declaration Regarding a Final Settlement

We call on our leaders to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict with the utmost urgency. Peace must become the number one national priority for the Palestinian and Israeli  peoples and leadership.

We believe that the following must be elements in the negotiations and the

i. The parties recognize and declare the equality of both parties to the conflict, and negotiate as equals. During negotiations, both sides must refrain from violence and the threat of violence. Israel must refrain from seizure or development of disputed territories, namely the territories occupied since 1967. The parties must follow the letter and spirit of agreements and do their utmost to ensure the success of the peace.

ii. The parties must recognize the right to self determination, in independent national states, of both the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. Each side must not infringe on the rights of the other to their own national homeland.

iii. The parties are committed to a total cessation of terror and aggression, and shall cooperate in eradicating terror. The eradication of terror must not come at the expense of the civil rights of individual citizens.

iv. The parties shall demonstrate by example, education and actions, a sincere commitment to the principle of non-violence and to neighborly friendship and constructive action. This must include a program of education for peace, and must be reflected in every official or officially sponsored act or publication of both

v. The parties shall cooperate to make the best use of common environmental resources and   develop the economies and cultural life of our peoples to the best mutual advantage.

vi. Israel must return all or most of the territories occupied since 1967, so that the Palestinian people can create and maintain a viable national life. To avoid uprooting the population of large Israeli settlements, the agreement may include exchange of territories. Israelis or Palestinians living in areas ceded to the other side will be allowed to continue to live where they are and to enjoy the protection of the state to which their areas belong, each taking the citizenship of their choice or dual citizenship.

vii. The solution must include the dissolution of all refugee camps and the resettlement and rehabilitation of all refugees through compensation. The resolution of the refugee problem must not come at the expense of the principles of Article ii.

viii. The settlement will take into account the significance of Jerusalem as a holy city for Judaism, Christianity and Islam and as a political center for both peoples; it should also take into account the civic rights and humanitarian needs of both the Israeli and Palestinian inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ix. The parties must each declare publicly and openly, to their own peoples and in their own languages, as well as in formal treaties, that they recognize the settlement reached as irrevocable and final, and have no further claims on the territory or national rights of the other party.


Suggested Revisions to the Draft Charter

Following are some of the revisions suggested by members of the Qalqilya dialog group:

A. Replace the paragraph about Jeruselem, with this wording:

    " Any solution for the future of Jerusalem should take into consideration the         rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. Therefore, Jerusalem should  remain one city, serving, under special arrangements, as the capital of both Israel and Palestine."

B. Change the refugee clause ( vii) as follows (approximately):

vii. The solution must include the dissolution of all refugee camps, compensation and the resettlement and rehabilitation of refugees in Palestine.

C. Include a clause on security arrangements for Israel.

D. Include a clause about safe passage for Palestinians

E. Include a clause about open borders to Egypt and Jordan for Palestinians

F. Include a clause specifying that the Palestinian state will be demilitarized.




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