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Copyright 1998 by the authors and PEACE. All materials are the intellectual property of the respective contributors. Unless noted otherwise, they may be reproduced provided that credit is given to the authors, and to PEACE - a Mid-East Dialog Group. Email/Web postings should include these addresses:
Ami Isseroff;
Ameen Hannoun;
Mid East Viewpoints:


September, 5

Revised Draft Declaration - Last Call


About Declaration and PEACE

Draft Declaration

Peace Activities


About Declaration and PEACE

This issue presents a semi-final draft of the Declaration Regarding a Final Settlement.  It is a reminder to that  PEACE  is not a spectator sport  - but a dialog and action group.

Remember that PEACE does not speak for individual members; you are not responsible for the declaration unless you sign it. That also means you are not taking part in the declaration unless you sign it!

The revisions reflect inputs by participants. We want a document that is brief and reflects principles rather than details of implementation. We also want a document that we hope will satisfy both Arabs and Jews, and will provide a reasonable and equitable basis for peace for both Palestinians and Israelis. If you can live with this fine. If we left out something very important - let us know!

The final version of the declaration will be circulated this Thursday, September 10; at that time, we hope _everyone_ will add their signatures.

Shalom - Salamat,
Ami Isseroff


Draft Declaration

Draft Declaration Regarding a Peaceful Settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Sponsored by the PEACE dialog group

Peace must become the first national priority for both Israelis and Palestinians. We call on Palestinian and Israeli leaders to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict with the utmost urgency, based on these

i. Recognition of mutual equality and reciprocity in negotiation and fulfillment of the agreements.

ii. Both sides must condemn violence, refrain from violence, incitement and unilateral actions during the negotiations and after the agreement is finalized.

iii. The parties each recognize the right of the other to self-determination in separate sovereign states.

iv. The Palestinian state will include all of Gaza, and nearly all of the of the West Bank.  Inhabitants living in areas ceded to the other side may remain under the sovereignty and laws of the state in which they live, each taking the citizenship of their choice or dual citizenship.

v. Individuals or states will be compensated for properties expropriated, lost or destroyed  during the conflict or as a result of the agreement.

vi. The refugee problem shall be solved by compensation, dissolution of the camps and re-settlement and rehabilitiation of refugees in the State of Palestine or elsewhere as they choose, provided this does not infringe upon the right to national
self-determination of the Jews in Israel.

vii. The settlement in Jerusalem shall express the national rights of both peoples, the rights of all religions and the civil and humanitarian rights of the inhabitants. We recommend that a united Jerusalem serve as the capital of both states.

viii. The settlement shall take into account the security needs of both parties.

ix. The parties shall demonstrate by example, by acts of public apology, by education, cooperation and dialog at all levels, a sincere commitment to rapprochement, non-violence, and constructive action. They shall cooperate to make the best use of common environmental resources, and  to develop the economies and cultural life of our peoples to the best mutual advantage.

x. The parties shall recognize and declare that the settlement is irrevocable and final.


Peace Activities

This Week - Demonstration in Hebron against the settlers - Gathering: Zion Square, Jerusalem, 10:30 AM. (If you are not from Jerusalem and need a ride or can offer a ride please notify Hillel Barak).
For details: Hillel Barak mobile 050-955-723;

Next Week - Don't Forget - Rabin Square 7:30 PM Sept 12 - Five years after Oslo - we can still save the peace.
PEACE will be there - with the declaration of principles and other things - volunteers to help with manning (personing?) tables and distributing materials
(in fact, volunteers who have folding tables too!) - please contact me:
Ami Isseroff



PS Magazine, which represents progressive Jewish opinion in the U.S., is edited by Murray Polner and Adam Simms. It features articles by Dan Leon, Ralph Seliger, Eric Lee, and others (including yours truly this week!). P.S. is now available by e-mail. For details write to :

Reminders - The PEACE Jerusalem POLL is up and running after recovering from technical problems - don't forget to vote at the PEACE Web Site. The ViewPoints Web Site features new humor each week.

The Editor



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